The bun hairstyles in fashion nowadays gives us a reminder of the olden times when the old ladies used to tie up their hairs in the form of a low bun but nowadays this has emerged as the latest hairstyle being adopted by the models and the makeup artists. The classical view of the olden bun hairstyle was a topknot or classical ballet bun. The low bun is the hottest hairstyle that is going to be added in the latest fashion now getting into the rotations of your lives.
At earlier times the bun hairstyle was assumed as a daily hairstyle adapted by a third grade teacher who used to just wrap up her hairs in the form of a low bun with the help of a pony tail. Today this low bun is now upgraded and has emerged as the latest in fashion hairstyle. All these bun hairstyles are introduced in the trends by the models and by the fashion designers in the fashion shows. Sometimes you may also come across to know about these styles from your colleagues, fashion magazines or the makeup artists you visit. The low bun hairstyle has been seen in all the catwalks and fashion shows of this season therefore presenting it as a symbol of the most popular hairstyle. It presented a stunning look on the red carpet.
With the adding beauty of the floor length gowns and cocktails there is sleek low bun also being introduced at the red carpet enhancing the elegancy and beauty to your personality. The sleek low bun is easy to be made and gives you a fancy touch within just few minutes. At the same time it can also be adapted as your casual hairstyle in normal routine as it is going to boost your sophistication in gentle way. You can get this sleek low bun hair style by having a blow dry to your straight hairs. Then pull them back into a low ponytail. Fasten up the pony tail and wrap the hairs around the elastic to create a low bun. After this you can secure the remaining hairs and the base by adding up the baby pins. You can also choose for an extra loose low bun which is usually famous with the Hollywood actresses. This gives you an ideal combination of effortless elegance and romantic wisps both combined into one style and stunning look.
Business Bun
Romantic Bun Hairstyle
Another everyday stil
At earlier times the bun hairstyle was assumed as a daily hairstyle adapted by a third grade teacher who used to just wrap up her hairs in the form of a low bun with the help of a pony tail. Today this low bun is now upgraded and has emerged as the latest in fashion hairstyle. All these bun hairstyles are introduced in the trends by the models and by the fashion designers in the fashion shows. Sometimes you may also come across to know about these styles from your colleagues, fashion magazines or the makeup artists you visit. The low bun hairstyle has been seen in all the catwalks and fashion shows of this season therefore presenting it as a symbol of the most popular hairstyle. It presented a stunning look on the red carpet.
With the adding beauty of the floor length gowns and cocktails there is sleek low bun also being introduced at the red carpet enhancing the elegancy and beauty to your personality. The sleek low bun is easy to be made and gives you a fancy touch within just few minutes. At the same time it can also be adapted as your casual hairstyle in normal routine as it is going to boost your sophistication in gentle way. You can get this sleek low bun hair style by having a blow dry to your straight hairs. Then pull them back into a low ponytail. Fasten up the pony tail and wrap the hairs around the elastic to create a low bun. After this you can secure the remaining hairs and the base by adding up the baby pins. You can also choose for an extra loose low bun which is usually famous with the Hollywood actresses. This gives you an ideal combination of effortless elegance and romantic wisps both combined into one style and stunning look.
Bun Hairstyle Ideas
Bun hairstyles for everydayBusiness Bun
Romantic Bun Hairstyle
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