Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Get Rid of Oily Hair

Steps for Healthy Hair

Healthy hair can dramatically change your look and your style. If oily hair is a problem, try these simple steps to improve the overall health of your hair.

Oily hair is caused by your body producing too much sebum from the sebaceous glands connected to the hair follicle. Oily hair appears dull and lank. It also attracts dirt more easily, lacks volume, and is more difficult to manage than dryer, healthier hair. The more hair you have, the more oil your sebaceous glands produce. People with fine hair have more hair per square inch of scalp, so they have more oil glands resulting in oilier hair. Redheads rarely have problems with oily hair, but blonds typically have fine, thin hair and more issues with an oily scalp. The more your hair weighs, the more oily it will appear, so the longer you hair is, the oilier it may look. Products not specifically formulated for oily hair may increase the problem. Adding the wrong kind of mousse or gel to add volume may make your hair look oilier. Getting rid of the oil for smooth, silky, healthy hair requires a few simple steps. Chances are, you've already tried a few products off the shelf, but did you know there are home recipes for hair products designed specifically for getting rid of the oil in your hair? Nature is a wonderful pharmacy, so choose natural products whenever possible. If products and home remedies still leave you with an oily mess, you could try a cut and style designed to minimize the appearance of hair. Mix and match the solutions until you find one that works best to help you get rid of your oily hair.

Change Your Habits: 

Oily hair may look finer and more limp than hair that is well cared for. Hair becomes immune to shampoo’s effectiveness over time, so if it’s been a while since you changed your shampoo, try something new. Also make sure you are using the right shampoo for your hair. Oily hair needs a clear, see through shampoo as they have less oily residue to weigh your hair down. Shampoo your hair once a day or twice a day if needed. If your hair still feels oily after shampooing, you need to shampoo it twice next time. After all, the labels read, ‘lather, rinse, and repeat’ and this is especially true for people with oily hair. Your goal is to keep up with the oil production factory living inside of your hair follicles. Do not use a conditioner, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Conditioners contain oil and you already have enough. Don’t over brush your hair. As you brush, you carry the oil from your roots to the ends of your hair, effectively distributing the oily goodness throughout your head. Blow your hair dry in the opposite direction from how it grows. Throw your hair over your head and blow it dry or you’re your hair up from the roots with a brush as you dry it. Stress levels affect the sebaceous gland, so your hair will be healthier if you avoid stress. These few simple steps can make a difference in the overall appearance of your hair.


If you feel like you’re the only woman in the world with oily hair, rest assured that you are not. Your hair needs a certain amount of oil to maintain a healthy shine and texture. If you look like you could squeeze enough oil from your hair to fry a chicken, then you may need to change the products you use. Check the hair care aisle in your local drug store or ask your stylist what he or she recommends for your type of hair. We've already learned that you need to shampoo at least once each day, so choose a shampoo that’s gentle, but effective for oily hair. Once you begin searching, you may see that there is a tremendous amount of product designed to increase the volume in your hair, making it look less oily. If you must use conditioner, use it sparingly and only if it is formulated for oily hair. Also try using it only on the ends of your hair, not at the roots. Make sure you rinse the shampoo and the conditioner completely; you do not want to add weight to your hair. Your hair may have other considerations, like split ends, which may require more precise shampoos and conditioners. Your hair stylist will be able to point you in the right direction if you need a little help.

 Home Recipes: 

You can find many different recipes for oily hair care that use ingredients you likely have in your fridge or your pantry. Home remedies for oily hair use ingredients like lemon, beer and apple cider. Mixing a few ingredients at home will save you money and may help get rid of your oily hair. Apply an astringent to your scalp that you make from equal parts of witch hazel and mouthwash. Apply it using cotton pads each time you wash your hair, if needed. The witch hazel is an astringent and the mouthwash is like an antiseptic. Rinse your hair with lemon juice and distilled water to combat the oil in your hair. Mix the juice of two lemons with a quart of distilled water. You could also rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and distilled water. Mix a teaspoon of vinegar with a pint of water. This helps remove the soap residue that will weigh down your hair while it also acts as a tonic for your scalp. If you already use mousse on your hair, try switching to beer instead. Fresh beer stored in a covered plastic container in your shower will react better with your oily hair than mousse which may clog the pores.

Cut and Style: 

Wearing your oily hair long and one length will cause it to lie flat and lifeless. Instead, have your stylist cut your hair in layers, especially on top of your head. You can also ask them to cut your hair from underneath as this allows the hair to stand up better. Purchase a good blow dryer, one that will cause the least amount of damage to your hair for daily use. You may pay a little more for a good dryer, but your hair will thank you for it.


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